Sunday, October 11, 2009

The Jen Disclaimer and Preface

So after much pressure, procrastination, promptings and prayer, I've decided to enter the blogging world! I think I've only visited 3 bloggs my whole life so this will be exciting! My blogg will be different than many you've seen I'm sure (maybe not? I don't know) but it will focus on a specific health issue for about a week and then move on to another.
Now looking at me and my family you may smile and wonder why I, an average person, who deals with typical sicknesses and food allergies in my little family would consider myself knowledgable enough to be doing this, but that is exactly why I am. I have found an intrest and a new passion that has lead me to research many topics and has broadened my view on many health issues including: the swine flu, ADHD, food allergies, emotional healing, autism, vaccinations, energy medicine, positive thinking, natural remedies and the list goes on.
So for the disclaimer, I am not a health care Dr or nurse or even studying to be one (not far in the future though :). The advice I give is only my own, and is not intended to replace any medical advice you may be receiving, but is given with much thought and research and prayer that has lead me to see things a little more clearer than before.
My hope is that before you conclude to disregard this because it doesn't have cute pictures or funny jokes etc. please give it a few weeks and see if you learn anything new. Ignorance won't save anyone, but I've come to find that knowledge, true knowledge, is more powerfull than we can put a price on, especially our health, or that of our children. If I can help just one person, then I feel I have done my best, I only wish I knew the things then that I know now!
I still want to hold some health classes on key topic issues so I will post them, but for now I feel this is more important. My final advice, I am not telling anyone what to do, but instead do the research and make an informed decision and most importantly pray about it. So for those who don't want to hear the other side of the story and just want to believe what the media tells you, then I'm sorry, but for those who are ready to finally do the research and make a stance, then get ready for the ride!

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